Assessment and Reporting


Assessment on student progress occurs regularly throughout each term. Assessment is integral to the teaching and learning cycle and may consist of: teacher observations, self and peer assessments, checklists, standardised formal assessments and class school based assessments.

Assessment "for" learning is collected before and during the learning process to inform teaching and give direction for learning.

Assessment "of" learning takes place at the end of a cycle of learning and provides summative information regarding student achievement of specific content or skills.


Victorian Schools are required to provide parents with a clear written report on student progress twice a year. Schools report student achievement using a 5-point scale as measured against the standards for each year level of the Victorian Curriculum. In addition to reporting requirements our school reports provides parents with school checklist indicating content knowledge and skills students have achieved.

Parent, teacher and student meetings are held in first term and the third term. Students are encouraged to attend these meetings to receive feedback and participate in goal setting for future learning.

Please click here for the MACS Assessment & Reporting Policy

Please click here for the MACS Requirements for Curriculum Provision Assessment and Reporting Guidelines