Student Wellbeing

St Peter’s core values together with the Nine Values of Australian Schooling align with the five core competencies of Social Emotional Learning
In accordance with this belief, the following values are promoted within our school for the pastoral care and wellbeing of students: love, respect, compassion, tolerance, flexibility, optimism, forgiveness, integrity, cooperation and justice. St Peter’s core values together with the Nine Values of Australian Schooling align with the five core competencies of Social Emotional Learning: Self Awareness, Social Awareness, Self Management, Responsible decision making, Relationship skills.
Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care of students refers to action taken within a school by its leaders and community members to promote and enhance student wellbeing of a personal, social, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual nature. Key elements of the student wellbeing landscape are positive self-regard, respect for others, positive relationships, responsible behaviours and personal resilience. (CEM Policy, 2.26).

At St. Peter’s we aim to:

  • Develop quality relationships within the community.
  • Create a safe and inclusive learning and teaching environment.
  • Develop sustainable community links and partnerships which will benefit all members of the community.
  • Develop social and emotional learning skills.
  • Engage students in effective wellbeing practices which focus on prevention and early intervention.

Student Wellbeing and Social, Emotional Learning is evidence based with daily application of Restorative Practices and a diverse range of strategies which promote positive relationships in the classroom and across the school. The wellbeing landscape at St. Peter’s endeavours to develop and skill students to be responsible world citizens by embedding comprehensive, whole school approaches in Christian Meditation, Student Leadership, Drug Education, Values Education, Transition and Engagement and School Community Links and Partnerships among other elements.
At St Peter’s we endeavour to equip our students with the knowledge, skills and values to enable them to face the challenges of the twenty-first century with confidence.